Contract Insight® Fast A Contract Management Software Crash Course
Let's get started with your Contract Insight crash course. Ready. Set. GO!
Why Use Contract Management Software?
Most organizations from a wide variety of industries provide products and services. Their processes often require partners, such as vendors, suppliers, customers, and subcontractors. To manage these relationships, organizations use various contracts and agreements. Organizations also need employees and - to manage these relationships - they use documents pertaining to policies and procedures.
What is CobbleStone Software?
CobbleStone Software helps legal, sales, procurement, risk, and other professionals to more efficiently and effectively manage contracts and agreements. CobbleStone Software's leading contract management software solution - Contract Insight - helps organizations to centralize and streamline contract management, vendor management, and procurement software processes - all on one user-friendly platform.
How Can Contract Insight Contract Management Software Help?
CobbleStone Software's Contract Insight can automate, expedite, and improve the management of the documents, materials, processes, and people mentioned above - in a myriad of visionary ways. For our crash course, we will briefly touch on two of the most critical contract management software tools and features organizations should get started with right away for increased ROI.
VISDOM AI®: Leading-Edge Contract Intelligence
CobbleStone Software's proprietary contract management AI engine - VISDOM AI - exists within and functions in tandem with Contract Insight. VISDOM contract intelligence helps identify contracts, contract clauses, and contract key data and makes advanced recommendations for the allocation and use of these assets. It automates data extraction, intelligently analyzes key data, and constantly improves with training data continuously being leveraged by the engine for further machine learning.
VISDOM helps with task management by equipping Contract Insight users with dynamic, configurable task assignment functionality, task escalation, and an overall improved culture of accountability. Intelligent contract workflow automation helps with the organized and seamless routing of legal documents - streamlining contract lifecycle management processes.
IntelliSign® Electronic Signature Software
IntelliSign is CobbleStone Software's proprietary electronic signature software tool - used for electronic signatures and document acknowledgements. It helps organizations of ranging industries to manage their contract repositories, contract renewals, and contract closeout. The automation of eSigning with IntelliSign can cut send-to-sign time by up to twenty percent. Additionally, IntelliSign provides powerful reporting and analytics tools, contract management dashboards, and contract compliance monitoring alerts.
There Is Much More To Learn About Cobblestone Software!
Now that you have the basics regarding Contract Insight, the purpose and benefits of contract management software, contract intelligence, and electronic signatures, you are ready to consider investing in CobbleStone Software's proven, long-trusted software solution for better contract management, vendor management, eProcurement, and eSourcing processes.
There is so much more to learn about CobbleStone Software, industry news, and best practices. We have you covered! Click on the links throughout this blog post for valuable relevant content. To gain the latest information about future events, industry-leading news, and contract management best practices, follow us on social media, subscribe to our YouTube channel, and subscribe to CobbleStone's blog.
Are you looking to evaluate contract management software solutions for your future of contract management? Read our blog post – 6 Critical Contract Management Tools for 2021 – to uncover the greatest contemporary tools for automated, low-friction, and user-friendly contract management.
CobbleStone Software has been a contract lifecycle management and eProcurement software leader since the mid-1990s. CobbleStone's flexible, scalable, and user-friendly solution seamlessly integrates with mission-critical applications by centralizing and streamlining contract lifecycle management, eProcurement, eSourcing, vendor management, and more. CobbleStone - as a software provider - is also SOC 1 and SOC 2 compliant to support highly secure processes.
Discover why thousands of contract management professionals trust CobbleStone with contract management, sourcing, and procurement needs. Book a free demo with a Contract Insight expert today to learn more about CobbleStone's celebrated solution!
This article was previously published on CobbleStone Software’s Contract Insights blog.