This was my first ever Relativity Fest and I almost cried like a baby! The important thing to remember here is that I don’t think I was the only one that felt these deep emotions. No, it wasn’t the sight of the nearly 2,000 people at the opening night reception networking and having a blast that brought tears to my eyes…No, it wasn’t the amazing sessions and co-panelists and emphasis on Women in eDiscovery that brought tears to my eyes…it was the Tuesday Keynote presentation headlined by Chip and Dan Heath, brothers and co-authors of “The Power of Moments” best-seller book. Toward the end of Chip’s keynote segment, he talked about how some Texan schools created Senior Signing Day ( and that brought me to think about my son, Jacob aka Jake or JJ. He’s a senior who is preparing to fly the nest a little less than a year from now. Typically Senior Signing Day is reserved for aspiring athletes that sign with colleges, but these Texas schools created a Senior Signing Day where all students could reveal where they plan to attend college. It started small, now many schools participate and the message is powerful. Although, the thought of cutting that proverbial umbilical cord makes most parents want to cry, it was rather the intense emotions that were present on the students, parents and children’s faces of the short video Chip played during the keynote: get tissues, then click on the web link above.
My takeaway ~ Certain experiences have extraordinary impact…that’s the power of moments.
I am anxious to read the book, but meanwhile, I would like to share some of their main points as I think it is important as a member of the legal community we think about our actions and plans and find ways to continue to make positive impressions and progress.
Elevation: Build peaks, find ways to create experiences, whether it is physical or mental experiences that are memorable.
Insight: Think about and open your mind to particular moments where you come to realizations or transformations. Perhaps it is a pivot point or a time where you were jolted or experienced an epiphany of some sort.
Pride: This is where you find opportunities to do something outstanding and thus the result is being recognized, or overcoming challenges, or even perhaps demonstrating courage. These are defining moments.
Connection: Find ways to build deeper connections and relationships with others. Share more, create moments and find more ways to laugh together.
I believe that Relativity Fest created a lot of powerful moments. I enjoyed laughing with old friends and making new. I learned a lot from attending sessions, talking to different e-discovery vendors and logged another public speaking endeavor for the year. Most importantly, I am excited to help our clients and community create these powerful moments as we all continue to stretch and grow.